
on your marks, get set . . . .

Monday, May 2, 2011

go jelly go!

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anabelle following charley down the hall

man, all that creepy crawling makes for a dirty little belle.
*mommy confession: i lint rolled my baby the other day!
she had dog hair all over her and it was the quickest thing i could think of.

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left and right and left . . . .
(notice papa's comment at the end. nice, chris)


JD said... getting to see momma in a video though:)

Shannon said...

Is she wearing a kettle bell shirt?!?! Loooove it:)

Susan Allain said...

@ shannon - yep, a 'kettle bear' shirt :), $2.50!

@ jen - i suppose that's what i get for asking chris to video. it's hard trying to take pics & videos of yourself :)


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