
ami mère

Friday, May 13, 2011

i have a mommy friend here that i didn't really meet until last year once we were both pregnant. i'm sure we had crossed paths before, but we never had a chance to really connect. well, both sporting our bellies and completely joyful hearts just gitty about the incredible blessings about to arrive in our lives, we met for lunch just to chat and get to know each other a little better.

man, did we have similar passions!

other than being completely head over heels for our handsome marine husbands, we were completely afire (yes, i used a thesaurus for that one - seemed to fit just right) with the pure and enchanting concept of natural childbirth and even the fabulousness (is that a word?) of pregnancy itself. i think we both could just go on & on, shouting it from the mountain tops, about how incredible it is, how we wish more mommies knew what their options are, that you are designed to 'handle it', the questions to ask, the 'unlike anything else you'll ever do' experience it can be, the most empowered and brave you might ever feel . . . see, on & on!

we happen to both be bloggers too and i sure do enjoy 'stalking' her blog and keeping up with her sweet family and her own mommy research. her sweet girl just turned one and it's hard to believe anabelle is only 2 months behind her. holy soccer goalie!!

my friend is a fabulous mom, a healthy mom, a strong mom, a happy mom, a mom that strives to make choices for her family that keep them growing and learning (and of course having fun) in simple, creative, real-life-appreciate-the-things-around-you kind of ways. i am always energized after i see her and hear about a new idea or discovery. sometimes even just reading her blog or seeing a post on her facebook gets me 'mommy fired up' - excited to be a mommy, a better mommy, a resourceful and inventive mommy, an avoid-the-commercialism-and-stick-with-the-simple mommy.

good stuff!

i've been thinking about writing this post for a few weeks and just read her blog so i figured now was the perfect time.

you know who you are - thanks friend!

*ami mere - 'mommy friend' in french (at least that's what google said)

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