

Sunday, May 29, 2011


a few weeks ago I posted this pic without the story.  well, let me start at the beginning. 

I met an incredible group of ladies with event innovations back when I was at the university of san diego.  EI is an event management company & beyond! 

Geri is mrs. ei.  she has created a company that enables & empowers women/mommies to use their smarts & their creativity (outside of their mommy skills).  ei allows women to be a self-starter, set their own hours, work remotely, experience new challenges, and to succeed!

I connected with the ladies right away, got to work with them a bit here & there, and lucky for me, they were recently looking for some part-time help with an upcoming event.

one of their clients, the oligonucleotide therapeutics society (quite a mouthful), is hosing their annual meeting in copenhagen, denmark this year.  originally I was just working on data management, but my list has quickly grown.  I now have post-its all over my table, reservations for an apartment in copenhagen, and a passport application for anabelle.  we will be spending a week over there while I get the opportunity to co-manage the event on site at the royal library.  the plan right now is for chris to come along.  he has applied for a job that would have us moving in september so if he gets it, he can’t go.  my friend amy has agreed to be on stand-by (thank you amy!) and will step in if that’s the case.  bonus – my friend & doula, alexis, is the project manager for this event and she will be traveling over with her family too, including her new baby . . due in just a few more weeks!

I haven’t processed what it will be like to be away from anabelle for all day, for a few days in a row, but I know we’ll figure it out.

so that’s the story of the mermaid.  cheers to the special ladies of ei - Geri, micki, & Alexis . . . . oh, & now me too!

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