
windows live writer

Saturday, May 28, 2011

alright, here is my first post using windows live writer and so far it’s pretty awesome!  blogger/blogspot is great but rather limiting.  i find that it seems to have hidden codes throughout it that formats your page on its own and i usually can’t figure out how to override it which can be a little frustrating when trying to add a bunch of pictures and put them in a certain order or position.

live writer is much more like a word processor.  you can easily change the font, colors, alignment, add pics, video, links . . . bonus that it’s free!

ok, time for a pic:IMG_0444

how fun!  you can easily change the size of the pic, crop, edit the border (see the rounded corners?), move, even tilt.  most importantly, you can undo, which makes everything so much easier!

oh man, watch out blog world!

as for the picture, can you see that tooth?!  it gets taller and brighter everyday and i can even see the one next to it starting to push to the surface.

I haven’t figured out a way to edit the font for the title quite yet, but that not too big of a deal I suppose.  maybe it will correct itself when I hit ‘publish’.  I guess we’ll see.

how about another pic?


now I think I’ll try a video.

enjoying a little afternoon swinging at the park

ok, you have to have a youtube account in order to post videos.  easy enough.  live writer even lets you adjust the size of the video screen, choose standard or widescreen, and makes it so easy to move it around.  You can even test the video before you publish the post.

as you upload your video, you have to include a tag word(s).  just realized that it then finds other youtube videos with the same tag and shows thumbnails for those videos after your video is done playing.  not sure I really like that.  wonder if I can turn that off.

that’s if for now.  as if I don’t spend enough time on the computer already . . . goodness.  I’m pretty excited though - cheers to the creative snazzy blog I’ve imagined in my head! 

I’m getting there!

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