
my joyful jelly

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

anabelle . . belle . . belly . . . . . jelly - see how we got there?

i am so lucky. i get to spend my days with this little bundle and we have so much fun - just hanging out, playing together, being silly. i try to keep things pretty simple most of the time. anabelle now has two great egg cartons and an empty almond can in her collection. her latest addition is a set of metal measuring spoons. i had some extra ones so i tied them on a ribbon and handed them over. they make a nice little jingle when they clink together and as with most things right now, they seem to be great to chew on.

not sure where i learned this but i tend to whistle inhaling. i know, that's pretty random. well, i was whistling for anabelle yesterday and decided to give her a little kiss as i was doing it. it was a big hit.

anabelle figured out how to get from belly to bottom a couple weeks ago which has just added another skill to her mobility. here she is coming to get me this morning. she will often make it over to me and try to climb up in my lap. she hasn't quite figured out how to tuck her toes under when she's on her knees so she can get her feet flat on the floor but i'm sure it won't be long.

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