
birthday pics

Saturday, May 28, 2011

birthdays are just lovely

I’ve been meaning to post some pics from my birthday, but since it was aleady over a month ago and the pics were on my old computer I kept forgetting.

side note – I can’t believe that anabelle’s birthday is only 43 days away!

my anabelle is sound asleep right now (please rest, but no more growing, little one) so I’m catching up on the blog list in my head.

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anabelle and i met up with amy and jake at eclipse chocolat for their sunday brunch.  what a way to start the celebration!  if you haven’t been there i definitely recommend it.  you at least have to check out their menu.  their slogan ischocolate-making as alchemy.  come on, how can you go wrong with that? 


it’s almost always a delicious time when we get together with auntie amy!


on the topic of tasty, here are my mini birthday bundts that I made – barefoot contessa’s recipe for orange chocolate chunk mini’s.  my ganache was a bit thick but they were still delish!


just hanging out waiting for papa to get home


our mademoiselle anabelle


happy birthday to me

i am loving that this software lets me play around with all of my fonts too!

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