
just a little belle news

Saturday, April 30, 2011

our belle has been a busy girl . . .

how many times have i written that?

she is still rockin' the army crawl. she tends to favor using her right arm and her left leg as she scoots around on her belly. she has been getting might dirty when we're at the gym, even gets dirt under her fingernails. thankfully papa does such a great job with bathtime.

she has decided to go on a bit of a spoon strike but is doing great with her finger foods. it was getting a bit tricky trying to get her to eat her cereal in the mornings so we have transitioned to a 'cereal smoothie' in a sippy cup and she seems to enjoy that. she still kicks her little feet and makes some pretty sweet yummy noises as she eats.

recent additions to her menu are yogurt, frozen edemame, sauteed zuchini and bell peppers, homemade sugar free banana zuchini muffins (i know, doesn't sound too exciting but they were actually pretty tasty), frozen blueberries, blackberries, raspberries, and cherries . . . after which i realized those ones could probably use a bit more supervision. i'm pretty sure her fingers were blue for a while.

when anabelle lays on her back, she likes to 'treasure hunt' with her feet. she sort of feels around when she knows there is something close and then will try to scoop it up between her feet so she can bring it to her hands. she'll keep at it too if it doesn't work on the first try.

next week she is starting swim classes. we'll got twice a week in the afternoon. i'm really looking forward to it and excited to see how anabelle reacts in the pool. i think she's going to love it. this should get us all set for some quality beach time when we go home to florida in june.

on the topic of travel, anabelle have a new trip added to our calendar for september.

it's a big one!

do you know where this statue is?

i'll give more details later. first, i have to get working on anabelle's passport application, hee hee.


american apparel infant karate pants - super cute!!!

ok, that's it for now.

more coming soon.

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