

Thursday, April 7, 2011

anabelle & i just got back from spending the week with a dear friend up in maryland. sweet betsy is an amazing momma, a special friend, and a very busy lady with three kiddos under 4 at home. we met when our husbands were in flight school together back in kingsville, texas. we have had a lot of fun together over the years, enjoyed some tasty meals (especially at the bread basket), and definitely shared oodles of conversations. now here we are, both mommies with amazing kids. it was a low key & joyful mom-cation . . . with several lattes & four carseats in the minivan, ha!

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here is betsy's youngest, sam (11 months)

"hey sam, what ya doing over there?"

this robot looks like he's working a bit harder these days. not sure how much longer anabelle will be able to wear this onesie.

we headed to the playground one day. as you can probably guess by the picture, we didn't stay long.

looks like sam told anabelle a pretty great joke here.

anabelle with matthew (3) and grace (4)

hugs & love to the meyer fam!

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