
phew, i'm back online!

Friday, April 29, 2011

just over a week ago, my computer decided to turn off while i was working on it and wouldn't let me turn it back on. boo! thankfully i had backed it up a couple weeks prior so there aren't that many files that are taking a cozy nap in there. the computer is in the shop right now trying to recover the rest of my files . . . a momma can take a lot of pictures in two weeks.

i'm happy to announce that right now i'm typing away on my snazzy new white toshiba and i love it! it's a perfectly petite computer, just right for me. once i get microsoft office installed (thanks daddi-o) i'll be all set!

needless to say, i have a bit of blogging to catch up on.

first i'll start with a few fun videos.

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time to move & play

and now papa is home - time to model her anabelle crown for him

another evening after daddy got home - he makes a great jungle gym

more play

funny girl

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