
my first mother's day

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

well, when your day starts like this who would ever complain?

mother's day was a lot of fun. no one told me it would feel kind of like another birthday!

my first mother's day card from chris & anabelle

(it had a picture of me & belle on the front)

chris made a delicious breakfast and it was an all around great day!

my mom sent me this poem about a week before and i think it's just perfect:

First Mother's Day

Little girls have always dreamed,
Of one day being grown;
Of having a home and family,
And children of their own.
As little girls they played the games,
With dollies cuddled near;
Of being grown up Mommies,
And now that day is here.

For cuddled sweetly in her arms,
Of the little girl now grown;
Is the sweetest dream she ever dreamed,
A baby of her own.
In all the years of growing up,
In the games that little girls play;
None will ever be so sweet,
As her very first Mother's Day.
- By Allison Chambers Coxsey

thanks mom, xo

i am so blessed to have the mother i do and to have the opportunity to be a mother myself to such a lovely little belle. i knew i was going to like this role and here i am, 10 months in, and completely in love with every moment. go team!

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