
8 months

Sunday, March 24, 2013

yep, just as suspected -
the eight month mark arrived and whooshed right by, just like all of the others.


our sweet fun happy girlies!


anabelle wanted to take a picture ‘all by herself’ too.



we recently got back from a three week long trip to florida and have oodles of great pictures and stories to share . . . whenever i can sit still long enough to write them up.

7 months

Thursday, March 21, 2013

i just realized that i never posted emilymae’s 7 month picture.  well, with the 8 month mark creeping up in just two days i figured i’d better get on it!


it is so fun to watch these two together.  anabelle isn’t super excited about emilymae’s increasing mobility and how quickly she can get to her toys but she does love to hug & kiss on her. she still sings to her when she’s sad. emilymae simply lights up when she sees anabelle and let’s out some of the best full body giggles. she has started enjoying solids again after she chose to stage a four week boycott & i’m pretty sure i see her first tiny tooth trying to poke through!

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sitting up & on the move

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

these girlies are changing and growing and soaking up all of this florida sunshine . . .and some rain too.  i’m pretty sure anabelle has put on a couple pounds since we’ve been home and has taken a handful of extra long naps.  helllo growth spurt!  and my teeny emilymae is just a busy little army crawling bee!  she’s working on sitting up now too.  both have made this trip so great and have gotten to meet all sorts of family & friends and soak up oodles of extra love.

i have all sorts of pictures, videos, and stories from our florida adventures and will post more about it when we get back to san diego next week.  now i just have a couple side-by-sides that i felt to share.

anabelle was sitting up at 6 months and started her army crawl at 8 months.  emilymae had that army crawl down at 6 months and has almost figured out sitting up on her own at 7 1/2 months.  i figure her brain is telling her '”forget sitting still, go see what anabelle is up to!”

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month by month, the cute faces continue!

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i recently heard news that two fabulous couples in my life are expecting their first little bundles this year and i am so super excited for them and the magic that is about to be sprinkled all over their lives and their hearts!

alright, time for this happily tired momma to get to bed.

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