
six months

Saturday, January 26, 2013

this little pumpkin is growing faster than i can keep up with.  ok, so i can keep up - it’s just that i can’t quite believe that six months have already flown by!  well done, millie bug.


it was really hard to keep anabelle out of the first pictures this time.  she knows the monthly photo drill and gets mighty excited.  these two girlies are pretty fascinated with each other and i love to watch them interact (except when anabelle thinks it’s a good idea to try to ‘ride’ her sister)


twenty of the sweetest teeny toes in socal!


recent favs

Saturday, January 19, 2013

my camera has been calling my name again lately.  i crave to capture sweet moments.  i crave to learn more about my camera, about photography, and to do a better job.  i also crave to have as much time as possible with my two favorite mini ladies!

chris recently asked me about goals for 2013 – looks like increasing my photog knowledge is on the list . . . along with working on said list.  ha!

as for now, i think my pictures aren’t too shabby. 
here are a few of my recent favs.


i took some pictures for a friend in balboa park recently and of course had to snap a few of my own beauty.

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and we ran into friends while we were there too.


i’ve had the chance to squeeze in some warm cozy snuggles with emilymae lately – such a peaceful little bug.

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it’s fun to watch the games chris and anabelle come up with together.  one night, with chris’ help, anabelle turned emilymae’s fleece into a ‘papa jacket’.  i can’t remember what they were doing with the paper bag but i thought it made a great picture.  oh, that happy face!

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i took this one just this morning.  i couldn’t resist.

yep, she’s really that stinkin’ cute!


and to top it all off, my parents arrived today. 
wahoo, hooray, and thank you for coming!


cheers to 2013!

Saturday, January 19, 2013

alright new year, here we go!

ok, I realize we’re already 19 days in but there is still a nice big juicy wonder-what-this-year-will-bring sized chunk left to enjoy.

maybe we’ll move.  maybe not.  we’ll surely travel, squeeze in some play, hopefully learn, share some laughs, and
joyfully & unconditionally love!

cheers to you and yours, xo!


(not our most glamorous picture but sort of funny & a little awkward.  I’m pretty sure it was only 5:30pm on New Year’s eve)

a great way to start the morning

Wednesday, January 9, 2013

there’s nothing like a heart healthy (cutie) breakfast to get your day started right!



5 months

Tuesday, January 8, 2013

well i got the picture taken on time so i figured i had better post it before it’s time for the 6 month pose.


emilymae is a busy and peaceful little bug. she is rolling both directions, has found some volume in her chitter-chatter, she sure can wave her arms, click her happy feet together., and is perfecting her giggle.


anabelle:  ‘bless you, little one’


love you, sister!


our little christmas

Friday, January 4, 2013

chris helping santa get things ready

(he said he was looking forward to putting toys together.  maybe next year he’ll get to assemble something with more than two steps)

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all set and ready for bed.  emilymae got a sneak peek.

(sent chris to the store to get a half dozen latex balloons to tie to her bike.  i was thinking something simple’ 3 red and 3 green or maybe ones with snowflakes on them.  i didn’t give him step by step instructions . . . you can see what he came home with.  well, anabelle loved them and one is still floating around in the living room!)


anabelle has always come to our room once she’s up in the morning.  not this time.  we heard her door open.  i met her in the hallway.  then she turned and ran to the living room and just stood there pointing at all of the presents.

we’d been talking about christmas and it’s meaning.  we’d been reading about saint nicholas and who he was.  we’d been singing jingle bells & rudolph the red nosed reindeer (she calls it the reindeer song).  we’d been counting down the days with an advent calendar and she knew that on day 25 it was christmas . . it was baby jesus’ birthday . . it was the day santa would visit with gifts . . it was the day we would get to open presents together and play!


checking out her balance bike


we knew at least the helmet would be a huge hit.  it stayed on most of the day.


more presents

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. . . and one for papa


inspired by pinterest, i made anabelle her own abc’s book.  each page and letter is a picture involving anabelle – a is for anabelle, b is for bus, c is for carter, etc.  i am so pleased with how it turned out and love that anabelle likes it!

if you’d like to see the book, click here.


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standard momma picture


emilymae and her new amber necklace


after nap we headed to pacific beach for some sunshine and space to ride.  i didn’t realize that only anabelle’s toes were going to reach the ground on her balance bike so for now she’s mostly papa powered.

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all together – the best!

(emilymae slept the entire outing)


ok, enough riding.  thanks for the help, papa.

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we decided it would be fun to get an ice cream cone to share.  anabelle took one lick and made a face (that’s sort of what we expected).  once we were half way done, we ate the top of the cone so there was just the ‘handle’ and gave her the rest.  she was not interested in the ice cream.  she turned it upside down and nibbled on the cone for a minute or two and then we were off to ride some more.


me & my littlest one back in milk position


this was our view from the couch.  such a fun day!  i can’t remember the last time the sun was setting and i genuinely felt like i didn’t want the day to end.


merry christmas!



Thursday, January 3, 2013

isn’t this what you wear to decorate your tree?


my trainer at the gym (she has been pretty easy on me lately)


this papa outfit might be a chart topper!


a little fuzzy but you can still see the sweetness


papa catching our upside down happy faces


another incredible papa ensemble and such a big girl face


our ‘at home’ spa – just like my momma used to do for me


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