
blog buddy

Friday, August 31, 2012

as if i didn’t already enjoy blogging enough, it’s even more special with with my little blog buddy.

Red heart


think green

Friday, August 31, 2012

this is one of my favorite pics from when anabelle was starting to smile. 
i’m pretty sure i laughed out loud by myself when she made this sweet face.

here she is at 12 1/2 weeks.


emilymae is surely coming into her own look and style (ok, i’ll admit that i  make sure to style her hair right after bath).  her eyebrows are filling in this week and she has graduated to a whole new wardrobe of slightly bigger cutie things to wear.  when i came across this snoopy onesie the other day it reminded me of anabelle’s smiley picture.  emilymae still just smiles in her sleep but will be there soon.

here she is at 5 1/2 weeks.

(looking slightly serious but i’m sure she’s giggling on the inside)



Thursday, August 30, 2012

isn’t it the most delightful thing to be surrounded by happy?!


play time

Thursday, August 30, 2012

we’ve been getting out and about a bit more than i expected to with a teeny one (who is no doubt getting less teeny everyday) and have been having a blast!

one morning we headed out to fletcher cove but not before enjoying an awesome breakfast at naked cafĂ© across the street.  delish! 

IMG_4657   IMG_4658

even more special – anabelle and my mom met mrs. fletcher while they were wandering around the park (e & i were nursing).  yes, the mrs. fletcher of flecther cove!  she was out for a stroll with the help of her nurse.  after introductions, the nurse sweetly told them “this is why she had the park built.”  thanks mrs. fletcher!


another day we went over to seaport village.  so much sun and a perfectly refreshing breeze off the bay.  my mom and i took turns riding the carousel with anabelle.  we had lunch. 
we people watched.  we boat watched.


and anabelle got the coolest balloon helicopter.  i was quite impressed!

bonus that it made it all the way home without popping.


the next day we were off to target (always a fun outing for me).  this one happened to have a party store next door.  ok, i planned that ahead of time.  sneaky mama. 
anabelle loves to point out any balloons she can see from the road so i thought a couple balloons might be a fun treat.  how great that they are only $1 a piece! 

these ones made the journey home too!


so, target, balloons, lunch at panera, and then . . . pedicures!

i wanted to treat my mom (we both were needing some love on our toes) and anabelle too, but i wasn’t sure anabelle would like it.  when i got a henna tattoo last month all she would say was ‘yucky, mama wash’ and make an icky noise.  she also wasn’t a fan of the temporary tattoo she got from a friend when i put it on her foot and she realized she couldn’t peel it off.

a sat right next to me and watched as i got my toes done, only making a couple faces here and there.  she was great the entire time and so was e who didn’t make a peep.  then a started to say ‘anabelle turn’.  i had let her pick out a color when we walked in.  i thought she’d want purple – that’s usually her first guess when you ask her what color something is.  instead she picked a simple pale pink.  she was hesitant to let the lady hold her foot at first.  then she started to ask ‘wash wash’.  she wanted to get to put her feet in the warm water like mama.  silly girl.

well, sure enough, she held out her foot and watched closely as the lady painted each toe.  she was excited when they were done.  ‘pink toes!’ she said.  she showed chris when he got home that night and then said ‘papa, pink toes’.  sorry anabelle, we’ll have to wait and do that sometime when papa is napping.  hee hee!


play ball!

Thursday, August 30, 2012

a couple weeks ago chris took anabelle to petco park for a baseball game.  he had been talking about it for weeks, maybe even months.  he finally found an afternoon game when he was going to be in town.

so, off they went!

here are a couple pics of them ‘watching’ the game.


chris said he thought she’d last at least an inning.  turns out she lasted an out!  yep, one single out before she was up and about, ready to explore pretty much anything other than the game.


waiting for papa

Thursday, August 30, 2012

‘papa yet?’

that’s what anabelle says when she is wondering where her papa is and when he’s coming home.  he sends me a text when he’s leaving base so often anabelle and I will wait on the porch for him.  yesterday it was pretty toasty and the sun really shining.  we went out on the porch to get in position.  anabelle said ‘so bright’ – another new phrase of hers.  I asked her if she wanted to go get a hat to help.  well, this is the hat she picked and grandma offered her sunglasses to complete the sun shading ensemble.  polka dot undies and buffalo t-shirt were already the outfit of the afternoon.

ok, this is pretty awesome!



unfortunately we weren’t able to wait outside until chris made it home.  it was too hot and anabelle had to take a potty break (yah potty!).  she was sitting on the potty when chris walked through the door.  just seconds later we heard were her little feet racing down the hall practically leaping into his arms to welcome him home – now wearing only the buffalo tee . . . polka dot undies still on the bathroom floor.  yep, the awesome continues!


another side by side

Friday, August 24, 2012

just was looking through some early anabelle pics with my mom and
another great set for a side by side.

anabelle at 6 weeks


emilymae at 4 1/2 weeks


side by side

Friday, August 24, 2012

figured it was a good day for another side by side comparison of a & e.

same outfit . . .

anabelle is 7 weeks


emilymae is 4 1/2 weeks


you sure can tell they are sisters but emilymae is definitely starting to get her own look.

one month

Friday, August 24, 2012

our emilymae is already one month old!

she has grown so much and both girls continue to be completely awesome!  we are surrounded by a joy that is perfectly sprinkled with dashes of crazy, messy, what-have-we-gotten-ourselves-into fun and delight.  i couldn’t ask for more.


ema is getting some sweet round cheeks now. 
i didn’t realize how hearty she was looking until i went back and found anabelle’s skinny one month picture.


with chris’ help (he’s hovering just out of screen) we were able to get a few shots of the girls together.  anabelle always giggles when emilymae touches her.  she says ‘tickle’ and then just starts to laugh.


i hope this just the beginning of a forever friendship!


another week and another reason to back up my computer

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

the picture taking has slowed a tiny bit but i'm still trying to capture all those moments whenever i can.  my girls and i are having a great time with my mom is in town.  the help has been amazing and it’s fun to watch her playing with anabelle and cuddling with emilymae.  bonus that she doesn’t mind tidying up, sort of enjoys laundry, and loves to cook!  i am so thankful she is here and that she gets to stay for a few more weeks! we have done some shopping, visited a few different parks, worked on potty training, enjoyed chatting together, and just had a great time being together.

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cozy papa snuggles.


emilymae continues to grow . . . and so does her hair!


anabelle’s vocabulary is exploding!  she’s an incredible little buddy and so smart.  here she is ‘sit high,’ as she would say it.


all bundled up while i work on my multi-tasking.


zonked after some early morning milk.


and again after some afternoon milk.  starting to see a pattern?!


i was pleasantly surprised when i realized it was drizzling outside for a little bit this morning.  we decided to go out and enjoy the break in the heat and the playfulness of the cool gentle drops.

grandma and anabelle trying to catch raindrops in their mouth.  so funny!


another great day!


she seems so big to me now, until she’s across the room and i realize she’s still a teeny one.  i’m hoping to swing by the pediatrician soon to see if i can check her weight. 
i’m guessing definitely 7 pounds.  she is officially filling out newborn size clothes.


in between trips to the potty, anabelle has been helping grandma rack up the points on her slot machine games on her new tablet.


just two weeks until football season, wahoo!  anabelle wore her UF outfit today and we practiced a little cheering. 

go gators!


alright, off to bed i go. 
the next feeding will be here before i know it and i had better get some sleep first.

week three

Thursday, August 16, 2012

i still don’t seem to have all the words to explain life these days but i definitely have the pictures to give you a glimpse.

my mama brain is busy.  it is happy.  it is thankful. and it is aching and fluttering for one of my besties working through an emotional rollercoaster and waiting for her own baby to arrive.  today might be the day!  i am so very proud of her and can wait to love on her and her sweet little.  she and her husband make an amazing team.  what an inredible story and special surprise it will be once he or she is born! 
go baby M!

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alright, here are some of the latest:

cozy weekend nap


3 weeks old!


these preemie clothes aren’t going to last much longer!


my momma is here, hooray!


sunset and pizza at fletcher cove



early morning snuggles


trying to get a group shot


anabelle keeping herself busy during ‘mama milk’ time


grandma and emilymae – hair buddies


there’s nothing like skin-to-skin with your little nursling


sneak peak

Saturday, August 11, 2012

last week we had pictures taken here at the house.  i just found a few of them on the photographer’s facebook page.  so nice to have a little sneak peek while we wait for the rest!




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