
manual mode

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

this weekend i attended my first photography workshop and it was so great!

a friend of mine and his wife have their own photography business (schafer photography) and hosted a 'capturing your kids' workshop for parents to learn to really use, understand, and take full advantage of their cameras.

step 1 . . . set your camera on manual mode.

i have been able to capture some pretty great pics of our little anabelle by just pointing and shooting. i have good equipment and a super cute baby, that's about all i can say. i wasn't doing anything special or even knowing really what was making some pics turn out great while others were awful.

go ahead, ask me about ISO, f-stop, or shutter speed now! (ok, i only know the basics but i'm learning.) as if that wasn't a big enough day, it was my first time away from anabelle for that long. i was gone for over 5 hours (chris and anabelle got to have a fun afternoon together). the workshop went by really quickly. it was just the drive home that seemed to take for-ever!

i've been interested in photography for a long time. i remember my first camera. i got my le clic when i was about 5 or 6, very cool! did you have one of these?

in high school i got a generic 35mm that i think my mom won on the radio. i'm pretty sure i used that until it broke.

my parents got me a 35mm rebel when i graduated from college (i was so excited). chris and i have had a few pocket digital cameras, i got my dslr rebel a couple years ago, and then i got a portrait lens last summer after anabelle was born.

here are a couple pics from the workshop (thanks jason & julia!)

shooting on manual definitely has a learning curve (an endless learning curve, i think). there are several things to think about and adjustments to make. since i'm still so new at it, i figured it might be best to start practicing when anabelle is stationary (which doesn't happen as often as it used to). i decided to try shooting my first real 'manual' pics while anabelle was in her highchair and in the bath. here are a few of my favorites that i've taken so far.

so fun!

i have lots to learn and lots of practicing to do which is completely fine with me, yah!


talesofahummingbird said...

love it....i know what i want for christmas! :)

DaReal McCoys said...

How fun! Let me know if they do any more, I'm still so beginner with my camera. And first time away huh? Mommy time is so important, you should do that more often when Chris is around :)

Julia said...

Cool! Love the post Susan. Thank you. You are learning fast and you have the cutest little subject to practice on.

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