
two months

Monday, September 24, 2012

what a quick two months it has been.

holy awesome!



these girls are amazing!


anabelle likes to give emilymae kisses.  i just have to make sure she doesn’t smoosh her too much.


best buddies


after a super quick shower last night (you have to squeeze it in whenever you can) i heard emilymae crying as soon as I hopped out.  without even thinking, my mouth said “it’s ok, i’m here.”  you know, just a normal mommy phrase you might use when your little one is sad.  for some reason i stopped and listened to myself.  my brain repeated it a few times in my head.  my heart went ‘hmmmm.’  how cool and how special that i get to be the one who can say something as simple as ‘it’s ok, i’m here’ to my girls & that be enough to provide some comfort and help settle them whenever they might need a little help.  I am here for you girls – so happy and proud to be.

thank you for these two bright eyed blessings!


Vicki said...

Susan - always so heartwarming to "see" how much you embrace motherhood.

talesofahummingbird said...

you are amazing. i love hoe you share your hapy heart. xoxo

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