both girls are sleeping, chris is out looking at houses, and I’m scrolling through a few of the gillion recent pics I have of our girls.
both of them are doing just great. more words and sentences from anabelle. all of a sudden she’s in story mode, it’s the best. ‘hold you’ is a newer phase (really meaning ‘hold me’) and pretty darn cute. emilymae is growing so fast and I’ve noticed her respond to chris’ voice and try to track him as he walks past. her hair is getting longer and won’t quite stand up like it has, now it spikes out more at an angle – a little less shark fin and a little more ski slope - still cool. these girls are the best little buddies. they are entertaining, challenging, joyful, and two busy bundles of awesome! (I feel like I’ve said something like that before. oh well.)
my parents are back in florida now (and I miss them so!) so we’re transitioning to just the three of us during the week and trying to develop our own little pattern and routine. emilymae has been sleeping longer at night. her 4/4:30am feeding seems to be quickly followed by anabelle waking up to go potty at 5/5:30am. wakey wakey – let’s go ahead and start the day!
anabelle’s recent favorite pre-bedtime activity is to go out with papa to see ‘big airplanes & stars’. she comes inside telling me how the sun went ‘night night’ and the moon is ‘awake’ and whether or not she got to see stars and/or airplanes. chris does such a great job with her. I managed to get him to sit still at the house this sunday morning. it was fun to watch them play and watch football together. anabelle even recognized the gators during some game highlights. chomp chomp!
alright, now for the pictures!
just when I was missing my big girl she decided to relax and snuggle a bit.
one of my latest favs
her hair is getting so long now!
just a teeny one but taking up the whole couch.
anabelle is doing a great job as big sister. over the weekend she decided to start calling emilymae by her full name instead of just e-mae. it sounds so sweet with an extra little exciting inflection on the ‘mae’ part.
she still wants to hold her every now & then. she told her ‘too loud’ the other day when she cried out, which was pretty funny.
her she is giving emilymae ‘noses’ – our version of the eskimo kiss
anabelle thinks it’s hilarious whenever emilymae’s hand brushes her face. she says it tickles.
I can only imagine how delightful it will sound to hear them both laughing together.
here they are just over three weeks ago. crazy how much both of them have changed and grown! the most incredible thing to watch. thanks little ones for the magical show! keep it up.
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