
papa’s helmet

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

chris was home extra early on friday so that he could get ready for his trip to key west the next morning.  he says it’s an ‘instructor exchange’ with the squadrons down there.  sounds pretty sneaky to me, ha!  there should be lots of flying so he will no doubt be lots of happy.

chris had to bring home all of his flight gear for his trip and anabelle so was excited to see him carrying that huge green bag into the living room.  she loves helmets so chris let her try his on.  it was a pretty funny show watching the two of them.

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it was great to see how much chris was enjoying it too

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whoa, this thing is heavy!

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these two are my favorite, especially since you can see emilymae snoozing in the background.

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all done with the helmet – time for the gloves

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thanks, papa.  that was fun!
(notice how she got him to put on everything)


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