
baby dates

Monday, September 24, 2012

last week my bestie amy and her delightful little bundle olivia came over for a visit.  it was a great chance for us to catch up and just hang out with our little nurslings . . . with big girl anabelle running all around.


miss olivia is 3 1/2 weeks younger than emilymae


please notethis is not the appropriate way to use the mamaroo!

i usually buckle her in, promise.


anabelle joined our loungey party once she was up from her nap


this weekend anabelle went to play with her buddy mason while emilymae and i ran an errand.  mason is about 6 weeks older than anabelle.  it’s so funny to watch them together.

anabelle made herself right at home, playing with his toys, loving on his bear, trying on his boots.

thanks for the help, alisha!

mason 2

snack time at mason’s cool new train table


anabelle and mason - definitely two little monkeys!

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