
six weeks

Thursday, September 6, 2012

emilymae is already six weeks old!

she and her sister continue to teach me something new every single day
and fill our little home with so much joy.
(perfectly balanced with those dashes of crazy i mentioned in an earlier post)

i had my six week check up this week.  my midwife said that emilymae and i are doing great.

while we were there i figured we both weigh in. 
i am down another two pounds and emilymae is . . .

drumroll please . . .

9lb 3.5oz
i could hardly believe it!






Vicki said...

I could see you were shrinking in your bathing suit picture...good for you. And EmilyMae is such a doll!! Love her smile!!

talesofahummingbird said...
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talesofahummingbird said...

what an angel face. and horray for a big growing baby - you two are doing good work with that momma-milk!

Stacy said...

love that smiling baby!

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