
one month

Friday, August 24, 2012

our emilymae is already one month old!

she has grown so much and both girls continue to be completely awesome!  we are surrounded by a joy that is perfectly sprinkled with dashes of crazy, messy, what-have-we-gotten-ourselves-into fun and delight.  i couldn’t ask for more.


ema is getting some sweet round cheeks now. 
i didn’t realize how hearty she was looking until i went back and found anabelle’s skinny one month picture.


with chris’ help (he’s hovering just out of screen) we were able to get a few shots of the girls together.  anabelle always giggles when emilymae touches her.  she says ‘tickle’ and then just starts to laugh.


i hope this just the beginning of a forever friendship!


1 comment:

Stacy said...

I love the giggle photos! So, so sweet!

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