
waiting for papa

Thursday, August 30, 2012

‘papa yet?’

that’s what anabelle says when she is wondering where her papa is and when he’s coming home.  he sends me a text when he’s leaving base so often anabelle and I will wait on the porch for him.  yesterday it was pretty toasty and the sun really shining.  we went out on the porch to get in position.  anabelle said ‘so bright’ – another new phrase of hers.  I asked her if she wanted to go get a hat to help.  well, this is the hat she picked and grandma offered her sunglasses to complete the sun shading ensemble.  polka dot undies and buffalo t-shirt were already the outfit of the afternoon.

ok, this is pretty awesome!



unfortunately we weren’t able to wait outside until chris made it home.  it was too hot and anabelle had to take a potty break (yah potty!).  she was sitting on the potty when chris walked through the door.  just seconds later we heard were her little feet racing down the hall practically leaping into his arms to welcome him home – now wearing only the buffalo tee . . . polka dot undies still on the bathroom floor.  yep, the awesome continues!


1 comment:

talesofahummingbird said...

she seriously is SO awesome. thanks for sharing. these pics are delicious now but will be so priceless in those happy teen years. ;)

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