
another side by side

Friday, August 24, 2012

just was looking through some early anabelle pics with my mom and
another great set for a side by side.

anabelle at 6 weeks


emilymae at 4 1/2 weeks



Vicki said...

Very close to a "Pete" and "Repete"

talesofahummingbird said...

its amazing how similar they do look...but i think miss emilymae does have a little bit of her own look going. they are just the sweetest little gals, momma. love your overflowing of pride and joy as i read your posts.

DaReal McCoys said...

Agreed - EMA is starting to get her own look - A is a mini-me of you, and I think EMA's going to look like her daddy :) Sure are cuties!

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