

Monday, August 6, 2012

for those of you who caught it, you are correct . . . there is no way emilymae is already over 9 pounds.  that’s what I get for blogging late at night (I fixed the post). 
she is currently 5lb 13oz and I can see her filling out a little more each day.

this was our last weekend before chris is back at work so we did our best to soak him up as much as we could.  not sure that is every really possible though.  I absolutely loved having him home for two full weeks.  I can’t believe how quickly it went by.

anabelle peaking in on emilymae.


holding hands
(I definitely prefer this than the occassional swat on the head that anabelle seems to be dishing out lately.  we’re working on that one)


proud papa


a little quiet time


one of our best friends & anabelle’s godfather, bubba, is in town this week.  it has been so great to catch up.

I could have listened to their ‘duet’ for hours!


1 comment:

Vicki said...

Susan - I can really see how much bigger e-mae is! Must be that wonderful milk...and oh...Richard used to poke his fingers into Chris' little eyes when he was a glad to get a glimpse into these early days of the 4 of you!

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