

Saturday, February 16, 2013

in early july, before emilymae was born, i pinned this picture on pinterest onto my ‘baby bug’ board.  i just thought it was cute and figured it might come in handy for some get-back-in-shape motivation later on.  well, a day or two after i pinned it someone made a comment that rubbed me the wrong way.  they posted ‘unrealistic’ or ‘not likely’ . . . something along those lines.  it sort of made me grr. 

maybe they didn’t intend for it to have a mean or negative tone, but that’s how i read it.  since i didn’t recognize the name right away, i deleted the comment and started daydreaming about my wee one on the way and what we might look like together as she grew beautiful & strong
and i hopefully did some shrinking.

this little momma thought it seemed possible and likely.

so, here is the picture from pinterest . . .
(it’s from an article about body changes you might experience postpartum)

postpartum body - pinterest

. . . and here is me and my little emilymae.
(taken 29 weeks and 2 days after she arrived)

yep, i knew it.  totally possible!


(chris helped me with the picture while we were in cabo last week.  thanks, love.)


Vicki said...

Your determination, hard work (with a little help from breast feeling) sure did pay off! You and Chris are great role models for your girls.

Kristi said...

you look great. and happy.

Reaksmey said...

so proud of you!!!!

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