
not much sitting still

Thursday, March 29, 2012

been waiting for a chance to sit still long enough that I can get a couple things up on the blog.  I manage to keep up with the pictures, but it is just getting harder to find the time to get everything downloaded and transferred from my brain to the computer.

here are the belly pics from the last 2 weeks

21 weeks - 2

22weeks - 2

Had a check up and ultrasound last week.  everything seems to be right on track.  Emilymae is on the smaller side like anabelle was.  petite babies work just fine for me!  my mom was able to make it to my check up and heard the baby’s heartbeat, pretty sweet.  I was also glad to have a chance to show my parents around the birth center so they could have an idea of where I’ll be.  chris managed to get time to come to the ultrasound which was great since he was away on training for anabelle’s.  it has been confirmed that emilymae is still a girl (yah!) and all her organs appear just right.  we’ll get the official report from the dr next month.

oh & I’ve started to feel emilymae move!  the ultrasound tech showed me how I have an anterior placenta so most of baby’s movements are being absorbed by the extra cushion.



Vicki said...

Sweet Emilymae has your nose, Susan!Technology is awesome!

talesofahummingbird said...

look at that cute little profile, she looks like her big sister. :)

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