
19 weeks

Friday, March 9, 2012

ok, i was waiting for my hair appointment wednesday before i took this week’s belly pic.

19 weeks

it seems lately that by the time i sit down to write a post my preggo brain has forgotten all of the mental notes i had about what to write.

thankfully all of the pics i take help me remember some of it.

running is surely her favorite method of transportation.  she doesn’t care to do much walking these days.  we’ve officially made the transition to cloth diapers (fuzzi bunz are my diaper of choice thanks to info from a friend).  she has been doing great at swim, crawling with her arm (polar bear arms is what they call it) and kicking her little legs.  i love watching her pull herself up and out of the pool, then turn around, sit down, scoot to the edge, and jump in to coach damon for another swim.


anabelle supervised papa while he was working on our taxes.


sweet bed head!  i think she looks like a lion.
another recent fav – her little lion roar.


she’s learning to work zippers so i put her vest on ‘topher’ (a bear chris gave me the first year we were dating) so she could practice.


i’m pretty sure i’ll never get tired of early morning snuggles in bed with my anabelle.  some of these shots have been my favorite over the last 20 months.


anabelle has had her 6 little teeth for over 6 months and now three more are on their way which left her with a stuffy and sometimes super runny nose.  as you can see, she’d much rather play with the nose sucker than to sit still and let me use it.  i suppose i don’t blame her.


she’s still working on using her spoon and fork with little successes here and there.


yesterday we went to miramar to see the marine corps band and the silent drill team – always a great performance!

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anabelle has also really enjoyed watching all of the diggers and excavators clearing the empty lot behind our complex.  the lot has gone untouched since we moved in 7 1/2 years ago and then last week all of these machines showed up and are out there growling and scooping once the sun is up.  we’re excited to see what their project turns out to be.

1 comment:

Vicki said...

Can't get over those huge blue eyes of Anabelle's! And thanks for housing little EmilyMae so well! Hugs, Vicki

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