
15 months

Monday, October 17, 2011

anabelle had her 15 month check-up this past friday.  4 shots & circus band-aids, a few tears but not too bad.  she’s still under 19 pounds (18lb 11oz) but consistent on the growth chart.  dr. park predicts that she’ll be 5’4”.  I suppose we’ll see.

her teeth are working her hard right now.  her gums look really bumpy and we’re pretty sure there are several new chompers ready to pop through soon.


chris has had a few night flights over the last couple weeks which means he goes in later and can come to crossfit with me & anabelle.  it also means anabelle gets to share his cereal and watch a little sportscenter before we go.


anabelle is still taking two naps a day, although the dr says she’ll likely outgrow that in the next few months.  hmm . . .

here she is pitter-pattering down the hall with her blanket after a nap.


“excuse me, anabelle.  are you supposed to be in that drawer?”

she’s still quite the unpacker (notice the floor).  now she loves carrying things around, especially big things.  I don't know if it’s because she sees me lifting at the gym but she does have great form!


anabelle seems to have quickly perfected the ‘arch body-head back-I don’t want to sit in the carseat/stroller or lay down for my diaper’ move.  she had it on display yesterday.  it comes and goes.  she’s learning, we’re learning.  dang, she’s strong!  we leave on thursday for connecticutt to see my sister-in-law, suzie, and her family.  I’m excited to meet her newest, baby titus, but am a tiny bit anxious about the flights.  I know it will be fine, but this will be a different trip for me & Anabelle now that she’s so chatty, walking (trying to run) and wanting to go-go-go!

1 comment:

talesofahummingbird said...

adore the pony tail. as for the flight: bring snacks LOTS of snacks :) and perhaps some fun, brand-new tiny interesting trinkets wrapped in pretty paper...the unwrapping is half the fun. and they are entertained at least for awhile by exploring the new objects. happy travels!

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