
daddy time

Sunday, October 2, 2011

when chris first gets home anabelle likes find his dogtags and dig his cover out of his pocket

hat   hat 2

anabelle got to visit papa on duty last week and watch jets out on the flightline


helping papa out with max lift day at crossfit


trying on her new earmuffs for the airshow


chris was able to take friday off so we could go to the airshow as a family.  he had to work at the squadron’s booth on saturday so we went along too and brought my friend deidre.

celebrating 100 years of naval aviation and having a super cool papa!


the red devils have really taken good care of us, thank you VMFA 232

airshow 2

i’m not sure which was my favorite part – the blue angels screaming through the sky (always awesome!) or anabelle making her little jet noises everytime she heard aircraft flying overhead (also quite awesome!).

anabelle sporting her red devils tattoo

airshow tattoo

papa’s girlfriend ~ she’s pointy, gray, fast, & always brings him home to us.  we are so proud of him, all that he does, and surely cherish the times he’s home and all ours!

airshow papa

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