
beach buddies

Sunday, October 2, 2011

a couple weeks ago we made a morning trip to the beach with some sweet friends.  the tide was super high so there was only a small piece of shore to play on.  the sounds and smell of the waves was so peaceful. 

anabelle seemed to think she was standing in quicksand.  she didn’t want to move.


peter tried to help her out


our sweet friends


chilly ocean water


still not sure


yah for a morning outside!


she spent most of the time in just one spot, her feet frozen


I had to move her for this shot – just hanging out with her cutie friend betsy

(how lucky – anabelle & I both have a special buddy named betsy)


‘ok, momma.  I’m all done.  going to go have some lunch’


after shaking off the sand, we enjoyed a little picnic lunch and played on the playground.  by then the sun started to come out and warm things up – time to shed a layer.  it was a fun morning with great conversation, laughter, pride & delight watching our little kiddos just do their thing.

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