
pizza in the park

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

saturday was the last day of my event and i was happy that it was a half day.  that meant that i was free to play with my two favs for the rest of our time in copenhagen.  chris and anabelle had done a lot of walking and research around town already so they took me to a nearby park they had discovered earlier in the week.  we picked up a pizza from an tiny italian place down the street and made our way to the park to enjoy some fresh air and just be . . together.

i had brought along some bubbles for their week together.  chris likes to catch the bubbles and offers them to her.



anabelle is pretty good at finding your belly button.  when i was on my stomach, she was a bit surprised when she lifted my shirt and it wasn’t there.

this video cracks me up!

up in the sky, flying like papa.

i love seeing them together.  they both learned a lot this week and really connected, something i think the two of them had been waiting for . . and me too.

my heart is happy!

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