
joining the chris & anabelle tour

Sunday, September 18, 2011

it was so great to get time with chris & anabelle, to watch them together, and to be done with (& feeling good about) the event.

i was also feeling good about how we all managed with me working from 7am-8pm the majority of the days there (quite a role reversal).  i was a bit anxious trying to think how the whole nursing thing would work out – and it worked out just fine (phew & hooray).  bonus . . . i didn’t even have to pump.  i was up at least once or twice a night but that’s better than pumping for me.

i will admit too that i was a little impressed with myself for getting the two of us all the way to copenhagen and spending the first night on our own – over 24 hours of travel, 3 flights, arrive in foreign country, tadah!

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getting ready for the final flight from paris to copenhagen.  it was a shortest of the three flights. we slept the entire way and we needed it.


first night in our apartment, watching her daddy dvd before bed.



visiting me at work and reviewing a few handouts on recent advances in oligonucleotides.


strolling down nyhavn.  lots of people and some beautiful boats.


at tivoli gardens (one of the top 10 sites to see in copenhagen).  tivoli is an amusement park and huge garden built back in 1843.  it’s beautiful and i’m so glad that we went at night.


hans christian andersen museum

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back to the little mermaid – first time for mommy


there was so much open space in copenhagen that she just walked & walked!  now that we’re home she is marching around (still frankie style) everywhere.  she’s pretty proud.

it’s so cute, so fun, so sweet, so . . . big girl!

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smelling some flowers

*a note on all the crazy hair – anabelle has been trying to eat her barrettes lately so we’re taking a little break.  i’ve just ordered some bigger bow clips that hopefully will stay out of her mouth.

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a peaceful view from our apartment on our last night in denmark


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