
first west coast beach morning

Saturday, September 24, 2011

thursday morning chris didn’t have to go in until 11am so we were able to talk him into going to our crossfit class and then to breakfast on the beach.  anabelle hadn’t been to the west coast beach yet and now that she’s walking I thought she might like to give the sand a try.

we had a great workout and then headed to seaside cantina on the boardwalk in pacific beach.  after some delicious banana chocolate chip pancakes, eggs, bacon, and a cozy latte we made our way out onto the beach.  it was an overcast breezey morning – and it was perfect!  we had so much fun just playing and watching anabelle discover what was out there.


I just couldn’t decide which pictures to post so they’re all on here

IMG_2069  IMG_2071

sand in your toes

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hello ocean

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1 comment:

talesofahummingbird said...

the video of her reaction to the sand in her toes was PRECIOUS! glad daddy got to be part of the memory. :)

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