

Monday, October 8, 2012

anabelle is all about loving on and sharing with her little sister these days.  she wants to hug her, kiss her, lay on her, pick her up, give her toys to hold, sing to her, feed her cheerios and pancakes, help wipe her face.  it’s pretty darn sweet but obviously not all of them are safe quite yet.  sometimes i try to stand back and just watch them interact.  a few days ago i watched as anabelle shared her trains with emilymae.


thanks, big sister!


anabelle loves to lay next to emilymae whenever i have her down on the floor.  here she is moving the mirror so that emilymae can see herself.


some more floor time


emilymae is still crying a bit in this video but it was so sweet to listen to anabelle since ‘twinkle twinkle’ to her.  can you hear it?

just checking in on the little one


ok, so she did nibble on one of emilymae’s fingers but overall she’s doing great with her.


anabelle’s accessory of choice while chris was away? . . . his socks.


socks and undies – a great look!


anabelle has been singing more lately and i love to listen.  it’s some of the best music around.  last week she sang ‘I love you, a bushel and a peck’ for the first time by herself.  my mom used to (and still does) sing this one to me!  i still remember hearing her sing it softly to me while i was in labor with anabelle.  when I was little, i made her a card and tried to write out the words.  i put ‘busha whena peck and a hug around the neck.’  that’s what the song sounded like to me back then and as a kid i never questioned the words.  it was an ‘i love you’ song so it didn’t really matter.

i love you too, anabelle.  you too, momma!

*just found out, my daddy taught my mom that song!
they’ve been together since elementary school i think. they’re the best!

love you too, daddi-o!

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