

Friday, October 19, 2012

i end up with so many different pictures that i feel like posting but that are such a random assortment of moments during our week so this is what you get . . a this-and-that bundle of sneak peaks into the delightful randomnees of our days.

anabelle found flags on the porch and wanted to hold them while she watched the construction workers outside.  we had just giving painting a try so she was wearing one of my aprons.  she liked the idea of painting just as long as none of it got on her.


chris reading to the girls before bed.


one afternoon anabelle found the tin i keep all of her jewelry/accessories in and asked to wear all of them.  this is how it looked.  pure beauty!

this must have been one of the toasty hot days when shirts and pants were optional.


when this is what you find on your phone you know your little one has been at work.


showing off her sassy new leopard print crocs – thank you ebay!


relaxing at home after a morning at the gym.


momma, i think i’m done with these newborn clothes.  want to go shopping?

on that note – we did do some great ‘shopping’ in our storage unit when i picked up bins of anabelle’s old clothes.  so many cute things and such a bargain!


the view and snuggles after side-lying nursing are some of my favorite.


this was her first day wearing socks –
not really a big deal or anything, just thought it was cute.


sister hugs & kisses (carefully supervised)


what’s up, buttercup?!


practicing abc’s with anabelle.  i love hearing her sing and then cheer for herself when she’s done.  “. . . won’t you sing with me, yah!”




she has become quite the jokester.  when i ask her what a particular letter is she like to repeat the same incorrect letter and then laugh.  ‘w’ seems to be a favorite.  silly girl!  she likes to do the same with colors.


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