
38 weeks

Friday, July 20, 2012

i think i must be in a little bit of denial, a smidge of ‘holy cannoli’, a dash of ‘I can’t wait!’, and a pinch of ‘lucky me!’

ok, it’s really more like a giant bucket full of each of those.

she’s coming soon and i can hardly believe it even though she is super busy in my belly, i can tell she’s still growing, and today i can’t seem to get full.  i had already had three breakfasts by 10:30 this morning.

our bags are all packed, the call list is all ready, and i’m trying to put away all of the random piles.  two carseats are in the back of my truck and we have our new double stroller, which anabelle loves!  she likes to climb into her seat, stand up to see the seat behind her and say ‘hi e-mae’.

i’m still in no hurry but in reality it could be any day now!

38 weeks


Vicki said...

So excited for you, Chris and Anabelle!

talesofahummingbird said...

You are such a blessed momma...thanks for sharing your heart. Were all so excited for the birth-day on the horizon! You look so glorious, friend!

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