
at the fair

Thursday, July 12, 2012

at the end of last month chris got tickets to take anabelle to the fair while i was having a slumber party at a girlfriend’s (it was his first overnight alone with anabelle & we all did great).  well, they ended up meeting his brother at legoland instead.  so, sunday evening we figured what the heck, let’s go!

do photo booth pics ever really come out right?!

at the fair

watching little piglets snuggle up for some momma milk


and the grande finale – an elephant ride with papa


Vicki said...

The elephant walk - a unique event Chris can amuse his grandchildren with! What an exciting opportunity for Anabelle!

talesofahummingbird said...

i love her little wave - and glad to see your fam stealing moments of fun in the midst of business and prep for the big surprise birth-day party coming up!

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