
fall festival

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

on saturday we headed to a little fall festival at the community center where mia goes to preschool.  the girls got dressed up and had a great time running all around.  suzie had a giraffe costume for anabelle to borrow.  i think she pulled it off.


she’s starting to try to run now.


mia was a sweet little tink.  see mommy & brother titus in the background?



just eating a leaf – that’s what giraffes do, right?!


i did take a few pics with her hood on but those were on my iphone and unfortunately someone decided they needed my phone more than i did, boo.


suzie with anabelle & titus - strong momma.


beautiful momma.

titus was a gorilla – a sleepy gorilla.


anabelle loved having space to wander and be outside.


she decided to lay down for a minute while mia enjoyed the jumpy.


other than the phone situation is was a fun afternoon!

trip to boston

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

day one in connecticut; we took off for boston.

anabelle and I got to snuggle together for a bit before getting up.  we didn’t want to face the chilly morning.  the slippers were a present from aunt suzie.

the drive to boston was pretty easy.  we weren’t quite sure how it would work out with three carseats in the back of Suzie’s SUV.  we walked all around, saw a few street performers, picked up a couple thinks at the farmer’s market, stopped by a famous (& super busy) pastry shop, and anabelle had her first meal ordered off the kids menu.  big day!  oh wait – she also got to ride a carousel for the first time.  thanks cousin mia for showing her how it’s done.  super big day!




pumpkin patch

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

chris’ squadron recently hosted a family day out at oma’s pumpkin patch.  this was our first ‘family’ event with the red devils so it was a different excursion out with our anabelle.  it was another toasty sunny day so the long sleeve halloween shirt and cargo pants i had planned for anabelle had to go back in the closet.  the last minute outfit turned out pretty festive, though.



there was so much space for anabelle to march around.  she loved it and go pretty dirty.


i love the days i get to spend time with these two at the same time.


 have to remember to get in a picture every now & then too. 

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. . . and she’s off!


   she was pretty entertained by the tetherball they had set up.

each kiddo got to pick out their own pumpkin.  anabelle is all about picking up things and carrying them around – especially if they are heavy or close to her size.

“how about this one, mama?”

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whoa – a little heavier than she thought.

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ok, trying again.


we’re pretty proud of her proper squat form.


you can tell by that little face that she’s working hard.


our pumpkin with a bunch of other pumpkins.


it was so bright!


papa giving anabelle a hand.







how are we already almost done with october?!


Monday, October 24, 2011

anabelle and i are spending the week in connecticut visiting my sister-in-law and her family.

i'm trying to do a little catch up blogging but that gets a little tricky with three babies in the house, all under 2 1/2.

here are a couple pics for now & i'm almost done with a post from our day at the pumpkin patch last week.

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sleepy head


day trip to boston with suzie, mia, & titus



the weather here is a little different than in san diego


more coming soon, promise.

15 months

Monday, October 17, 2011

anabelle had her 15 month check-up this past friday.  4 shots & circus band-aids, a few tears but not too bad.  she’s still under 19 pounds (18lb 11oz) but consistent on the growth chart.  dr. park predicts that she’ll be 5’4”.  I suppose we’ll see.

her teeth are working her hard right now.  her gums look really bumpy and we’re pretty sure there are several new chompers ready to pop through soon.


chris has had a few night flights over the last couple weeks which means he goes in later and can come to crossfit with me & anabelle.  it also means anabelle gets to share his cereal and watch a little sportscenter before we go.


anabelle is still taking two naps a day, although the dr says she’ll likely outgrow that in the next few months.  hmm . . .

here she is pitter-pattering down the hall with her blanket after a nap.


“excuse me, anabelle.  are you supposed to be in that drawer?”

she’s still quite the unpacker (notice the floor).  now she loves carrying things around, especially big things.  I don't know if it’s because she sees me lifting at the gym but she does have great form!


anabelle seems to have quickly perfected the ‘arch body-head back-I don’t want to sit in the carseat/stroller or lay down for my diaper’ move.  she had it on display yesterday.  it comes and goes.  she’s learning, we’re learning.  dang, she’s strong!  we leave on thursday for connecticutt to see my sister-in-law, suzie, and her family.  I’m excited to meet her newest, baby titus, but am a tiny bit anxious about the flights.  I know it will be fine, but this will be a different trip for me & Anabelle now that she’s so chatty, walking (trying to run) and wanting to go-go-go!


Sunday, October 16, 2011

one of my recent favorites of me & my anabelle – all set for bed


a random cute pic from this summer


this is what happens when you let baby hold a bag of frozen peas and then get distracted.  anabelle loved it!


getting the skeleton pj’s warmed up for halloween.  i didn’t realize they were glow-in-the-dark until i took her in her room to nurse before bed.  it was pretty bright!


ready to head to crossfit wearing her new camo cargos


and after crossfit (phew!)


my halloween tree is up!


her hair is getting so long so i tried a ponytail this week


love this one!  chris thinks she looks like me here.


chris was doing a little housekeeping on his computer today and came across this pic from april 2010. pretty funny!

beer on belly

i have a lot more pics and stories to share but it’s time for bed.  hopefully i’ll get to post more tomorrow.

go gators!

Sunday, October 16, 2011

my sweet sorority sister & our cutie babies

november 2010


october 2011


i think it looks like the past year has been good to all of us!

we are hoping to make this pic a tradition for many many years to come, awesome!  thanks, alisha, xo.

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