
i can push buttons now!

Saturday, July 30, 2011

we heart jet noise!

we practice for a few days and then one day she just did it on her own . . . seems to be a trend these days!

we’re working on commands.  she helps get a diaper when it’s time to change.  I’m trying to show her how to turn on & off the lights.  we are also trying to teach her ‘help’ instead of just ‘eh eh eh’.  (great idea from my sweet friend laura)

just uploaded lots of fun pictures and wanted to share.

out at the mall


playing after bath


enjoying the swings with mason


  eating a little mulch


our first official date to la costa spa was a great success!  we had such a lovely time and really enjoyed getting to pay attention to just each other.  it was a beautiful and relaxing day.  I love you, muggy, and I love us!


fun times at miramar park.  cousins seraphina & tristan came out to play too.

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she did some good climbing at the park too.  I didn’t realize she was already able to climb up stairs!

swings with papa


walk walk walk

some of my recent favorite faces!

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a few days ago i decided to go cold turkey with pacifiers.  anabelle didn’t use one much but was putting herself to sleep with it.  it took a little work but things are going great now with carter’s help (carter is her monkey).


anabelle is doing great with sippy cups and straws.  she just started drinking cow milk at mealtime.  well, sort of.  she really wasn’t interested at first so I’ve been watering it down.  we’ll just work our way up to milk – straight up!












anabelle is the lucky new owner of a tickle monster kit!

(a fabulous birthday present that papa is enjoying too)


she has been playing with her hair a lot, especially when she’s eating.  good thing bath comes right after dinner so we can get all the food out of her hair.  silly girl!

bathtime lately often involves a naked ‘jail break’ as chris calls it.  while chris is getting the tub ready, anabelle escapes down the hall bare bummed and she’s fast!

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our sweet smiley funny jelly bean.

love her!

(Ben, don’t you think she looks a little like your gemma here?)


phew!  that was a lot!

oh, wait!  one more.  here is a pic of some of my sweet xo sisters from the fourth of july.  it was so great to catch up and show off our babes.  hootie hoo!

(thanks for the pic, alisha)


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