
anabelle in action

Friday, July 22, 2011

i’m trying hard to catch up on pictures, videos, and our goings-ons.  i am finding that i’d much rather blog than do my work but with the event in copenhagen only 6-ish weeks away, it hasn’t been that simple. 

i’m so easily distracted lately . . . hmm, wonder where we’ll move next, wonder when we’ll get orders, wonder what i should wear to the usmc ball this year, wonder when i’ll get to fly up to connecticut to meet my new nephew (he’s not due until september), wonder what anabelle will think of her first taste of cow milk (she’s trying it tonight at dinner), wonder what i should get chris for his birthday . . . you get the idea.

i did just finish some work so i’m treating myself to a little blogging time while anabelle is still asleep.

so, where to begin?

chris and i are off to la costa spa tomorrow for our first real date since anabelle was born.  the spa is going to be such a treat!  i’m still not great at leaving anabelle but aunt deidre is coming over to spend the afternoon with her.  thanks d!  I know they will have a great time doing some godmother-goddaughter bonding.  deidre mentioned that they might “do hair, paint nails, watch the justin bieber movie” and then said “wait, she’s only 1.  we will practice furniture walking.”  she cracks me up!

on the topic of walking, anabelle is working hard practicing.  she sure has figured out her walker wagon.  here are a few videos.



anabelle had her 12 month check up today.  chris was even able to come with us.


dr. park said she continues to look just right for an anabelle.  she low in the percentiles, but she’s consistent.

it has been such a great year & we are so blessed with dr. park.  we took in some tasty homemade morning glory muffins to say thank you.

ara’s latest stats:

17 pounds 13 ounces

29 1/4 inches

she had three more shots and one prick in her big toe for an iron test just to make sure all levels are good.  she has been rockin’ her iron man band-aids all day!

want to see anabelle’s pool trick?  check out mauri’s video of our kiddos from the trip to the country.

(anabelle is at 0:36)

she still loves the bath too.  here she is helping get things ready.  check out that post-dinner face.  good thing dinner time comes before bath time.

she likes to try to drink the water.

this one is just a cute birthday video of us sitting at the harbor in annapolis listening to a little live music.

that was the best day!

ok, better get some more work done.  i’ll be back later.

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