
mini jet-setter

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

i can't remember if i've already written about how much anabelle has actually traveled - chris pointed out that she has been on a plane, either coming or going, every month since september. if she was able to earn miles, we just might have ourselves a free first class upgrade by now.

we don't have any travel plans for may, but we are heading to maryland/dc at the end of this month, florida hopefully in june, and back to maryland in july (excited that chris will be on that trip with us). i went ahead and added those a's to the map.

so far she's been a great traveler - here she is snuggling with chris on the trip home from maine last month. i suppose we'll just keep it up until she lets me know she's tired of it and/or she turns 2 . . . and then we'll just have to do a little re-evaluating since we'll actually have to pay for an extra seat for her.

- for now, bon voyage!

1 comment:

talesofahummingbird said...

hehe, yes turning 2 changes everything. and wait til she has a sibling to tote along with you. then the fun really starts! i am anxious (and excited!) about my solo cross country trip with both kids this saturday. a journey well worth it since i get to meet my bff's new baby!

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