
first stuffy nose

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

this morning anabelle woke up with her first stuffy nose and she wasn't too excited about it (not that anyone would be). it was a new experience for us both. this is her first 'ailment' . . . and i know there are plenty more to come, but i'm working through a few mommy gitters i suppose. just want to make sure i'm doing the right thing and not missing anything. sure wish chris was here, but i always wish he was here with us. got to talk to my mom twice today, so that always helps. i did learn that anabelle really doesn't like having her nose wiped right now and especially doesn't like that bulb suction thing, yikes! she's still a happy bouncer, well in between a sad face here and there. she's sleeping now and hopefully will get some good rest tonight. she was up 5 & 6 times the last two night (also a new experience for us - welcome to 'normal' baby land).

(a quick shot we sent to chris in key west this afternoon)
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it was a new kind of day, a different challenge of a day, but still a lovely day (with just a few sad faces mixed in)

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