
holy hot flash

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

so that's the newest addition to my pregnancy - one or two hotflashes in the late morning. it's an interesting experience for a girl who tends to get cold if it's below 70 degrees (ok, probably more like 75).

yesterday, i took anabelle over to meet her first boyfriend - the handsome 2 week old mason mccoy (and his sweet mommy, alisha, a fellow chi-o). shhh . . . don't tell her daddy. i'm not sure he can handle there being any boys in the picture quite yet. mason was so perfect and little. bonus that he's a gator!

this is my first week of no work. sort of feels like i'm on summer vacation.

chris and i were able to connect on skype on sunday and had a great visit. he continues to be an over achiever (slightly lacking in the combat 'stash growing department, but that's fine with me. he's looking 'salty/dirty' enough).

the weather has been wonderful. i'm taking my time cleaning up the house, enjoying little cat naps in the afternoon, catching up on some good movies, and planning dates with friends here in san diego.

i have a dr's appt tomorrow and then acupuncture on thursday. just to keep belle motivated in the right direction (ha), each day i've been singing a few made up lines about getting her head down and getting ready. she's probably in there already practicing her 'oh gosh, mom' face.

well, only 5 weeks to go. how incredible!!

*i saw this commercial a few times on the tv & love it. i googled it, youtubed it, and couldn't find it anywhere. when i realized i had caught it with a show i dvr-ed, i figured i'd record it myself. i wanted to share it with chris & figured i'd post it on here too. enjoy!


Vicki said...

And pretty soon the Braxton-Hicks will kick in - just a way of Anabelle telling you she's almost ready for the "real" world. All eyes are on you! Much love, MomA

talesofahummingbird said...

thank goodness for technology - i'm so glad chris will be able to share in all your special new-baby moments thanks to digital photos, e-mail and skype! you are looking more beautiful each day annabelle grows! enjoy these last few wonderful weeks and then onto the real fun of snuggling her into your arms!

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