
working hard

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

. . . my shirt, that is!
it's pretty slim pickings what fits and makes it all the way around my belly to my pants. i've been enjoying a four day weekend. it started with a quick skype from chris. he's doing well, keeping busy, already flying missions, has buzzed is hair, and surprisingly received his first package from me in only 6 days. not bad.

tomorrow i begin my last week of work. is it wrong to be excited about that? it has been a great experience. i think i'm just ready to really focus on baby and finding a way to make it sink in that she's almost here. i can't wait to meet her! chris & i are undecided - do you think she'll be blonde or brunette?

i took myself to get my toes done late last week. it was a nice little treat. can you see charley's nose peaking in the picture, just checking things out?
we're feeling really good. i have another check up next week. baby is definitely working on her stretches - pressing out against opposite sides of my belly. it's pretty fascinating. sometimes i wish i could peek in there and see what she's up to. hopefully with all that stretching out, she's also making her way upside down (pretty please!). this week the web says she's about as big as one of those 'american girl' dolls and should weigh about 5 pounds.
ok, snack time.

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