

Friday, May 14, 2010

i tend to change into my comfy clothes right when i get home and i end up forgetting to take my weekly picture in a real outfit. you can also see some of my tops are getting a little short, oops.

things are still progressing along just right. we had another check up today. don't go back for another 4 weeks. my midwife says i'm a tiny bit anemic so i'm taking iron pills and vitamin c. i also have a nice little rash across my belly. i thought it might be deployment related hives (which i've been known to have) but it ends up that there is actually a pregnancy rash - completely hormone related and it will go away after delivery. for now, i'm just a little itchy.

we're working on our birth plan - our current assignment for our birthing class. i'm hoping that the hospital staff will take the time to read it and follow it. thank goodness i have a doula who will be there to advocate for me (plus mom and/or suzie!).
chris & i continue to keep ourselves busy. last weekend we took charley to dog beach in coronado. the weather was so nice, i actually wore my swimsuit. thanks to a little encouragement from a fellow mommy-to-be, she and i both found our preggo selves in bikinis that weekend. not sure what we have planned for this weekend, but i'm sure the time will go by quickly and before we know it we'll be out on the flightline for chris' departure. for now, we just hold on tight and soak in all we can.

here are a few pics from our belly photo shoot. we had so much fun. thanks helene!

i should have pics of her room ready to post next week.

1 comment:

talesofahummingbird said...

love the pics! see you on the flightline...

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