
here we go!

Monday, May 17, 2010

chris is now on his way overseas and so far we both seem to be managing quite well - it's still sinking in. we had a great few days before he took off. which always helps he was jet number four out of the first six that launched - quite a sight!

tomorrow he'll turn off his cell phone and the next time i hear from him will be once he's settled on base - should get there this weekend.

it was an early start sunday morning. i think we still look a little sleepy in the picture - and we look really young too. i got to talk to him last night and this afternoon. he said he had a great time in virgina beach yesterday and today. i'm so glad he got a chance to catch up with our friends there. thanks guys for giving him such a good send off!

i'm still feeling great (less itchy, hooray!) and baby is staying active. now it's time for her to really kick up the growing. not sure where she's going to fit, but i'm guessing she'll make room. i'm starting to wish i could wear my loungy clothes to work - ok, who am i kidding. i've been wanting to wear them to work for months.

tomorrow i'm supposed to meet my replacement at work. it's sort of a weird feeling. i'm definitely looking forward to the time off and having the option to focus on me & baby, but it has just gone by so quick.

well, deployment #4 is underway. i am so proud of chris & us. i miss him like crazy, but i miss him when he goes to work, ha ha. can't wait for our next phone call!

1 comment:

Vicki said...

You are so resilient and strong...thanks for sharing so many thoughts and feelings...and the pictures!

Much love!

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