
to buy maternity pants or not to buy

Monday, February 15, 2010

none of them them button or even zip for that matter. yoga pants are still my favorite, but unfortunately those don't qualify as professional attire for a government employee.

i'm getting new aches here & there and definitely need to keep my posture when sitting down. things get squished easily now. baby anabelle is supposed to be the size of a mango this week. we listened to her heartbeat last night and it's still pumping nice and strong.

we worked some more on the baby budget this weekend and enjoyed some beautiful socal sunshine.

we had a great visit with alexis and lamine on saturday talking about taking bradley method classes from them and having alexis be my doula. we are excited to learn from them and get more scoop about being prepared (as much as we can be). i'm also trying to figure out when to have my mom & suzie fly out. hey anabelle, what day do you think you'll be arriving?

dear baby - this week we are praying that you grow up to be an individual who makes wise decisions.


talesofahummingbird said...

hey girl - the sale rack at gap maternity is great for preggo pants. you are lucky if you are still deciding whether or not to buy them, man i think i had to give in to them at about 15 weeks. :) i love the yoga pants look too.

also-about sitting at a desk while preggers....when i was in the navy while pregnant with petey i sat on a big exercise ball i got from target the entire pregnancy and it felt awesome, my back felt great, kept my posture straight and helped tighten all those tummy muscles you need during labor and delivery. people like to make comments but it is totally worth it!!! just get the biggest one you can find and roll it up to your desk. you'll love it.

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

Congratulations Susan! Daniel told me the news the other week and I keep forgetting to say congrats! I am sooooo happy for the two of you. What awesome news! Its been awhile since I've seen you, but it looks like you are doing well and things are going well. Hope the job is working out for you. You look beautiful in all the pictures... such a cute belly! We need to grab coffee sometime. See ya soon!

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