
it's still a girl!

Thursday, February 25, 2010

i just had my 20 week ultrasound to check on all of her organs and see how she's developing. at first look, the radiologist says everything looks just right.

*here you can see her arm and hand

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they got some great pictures. it was pretty amazing what they can zoom in on during those ultrasounds. we could even see the four chambers of her heart just pumping away.

they were able to verify that yes, it's a girl!

*here you can see her leg and foot

*here you can see her whole body and her long legs

she's looking pretty cozy and relaxed in there!

dear baby - great to see you moving around and all your organs working. i'm still trying to get in the veggies we both need. this weekend i promise to get new pants so we aren't so squished all day, xoxo

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