
now i know what a hangover must feel like

Sunday, November 29, 2009

oh man. this time i'm feeling pretty different than last time. this little embryo is working me hard. i have bought my first bottle of tums and have had to unclog the sink more than once (gross!). seems i get evening sickness. brushing my teeth is the worst and that's the big trigger. chris has been great. he continues to smile at how disgusting i am and tries not to laugh, but he's supportive and brings me a wet cloth to help me clean myself up. we're 3 weeks away from our first appointment. i'm ready for the dr. to tell us 'everything looks great!' and send us on our way to keep growing. it has been great having several days off for thanksgiving and having chris here taking such good care of me. i'm nervous about work this week. it's going to be a busy one and i'm concerned about not feeling well in front of other people and not being able to cover it up. laura comes in on tuesday. i'm thinking i might tell her since i've been using the guest bathroom for my episodes. we'll see how it goes. my meal of choice lately: a bowl of special K with banana (or 2 bowls).
my body is doing all sorts of its own things and i'm hoping that's all a good (actually great) sign. i have acupuncture again tomorrow, yah & phew!
dear baby - we're almost at 9 weeks. you should be ruling your environment in there by the way i'm feeling out here. good work, little one! we're having fun talking about how we want to tell our families about you.

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