
time for a change

Wednesday, October 2, 2013

these girlies of mine are growing and changing every single day so i figured it was time for a change on the blog too.  (my old header was a picture of the day after emilymae was born.   now she’s over 14 months old!) 

well, what do you think?  i’m kind of in love with it!  thank you etsy for so many creatively delightful and affordable options . . . for just about everything.

last month i took a little trip up to monterey, just me & e.  it was really good for all of us.  my heart and brain are still buzzing with excitement and ideas for new things – i’ll get into the trip and all of that later.  this post is just a little check in and a test run of the new look.

man.  pretty & clean & . . . totally me, right?!

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we’re all busy, as usual.  even though some days we don’t even leave the house -
(see pictures below)



we are doing great, still looking forward to more sleep (who isn’t really?), madly in love with each other (the big ones & the small ones too), managing the 3 year old crazies that sometimes creep out (ok, 3 is definitely it’s own critter!), celebrating true life potty training success (sporting awesome batman & superman undies), watching ema and her wobbly march (ara is her favorite person to walk to), enjoying a variety of homemade cookies (it’s my beer), and trying to figure out the best way to soak up our last year in san diego.  yep, moving in june 2014!  it’s still sinking in a bit.  there will be another post with those details later.  good news is the marine is stoked about this opportunity and the four of us get to go & stay together – my favorite place to be!



that’s it for now.  i do enjoy the occasional quiet ‘me’ time but i’d better get to bed.

ok, maybe just a few more pictures first.


first powdered sugar donut hole.  yes, she only had one of them.  i know, kind of lame but we also had one glazed and one chocolate . . . and we walked there.



my latest ikea purchase – anabelle’s road mat . . complete with one cutie emilymae-zilla!


anabelle told me they were all waiting in line for parking at the baseball game.  her little brain gets more and more creative everyday.  you don’t realize how much the little people around you are soaking up.  it’s fascinating, entertaining, and so darn cool!


1 comment:

Stacy said...

love the update. all of it. can't wait to hear (and see!) more! xoxo!

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