
walk walk walk

Wednesday, April 3, 2013

just last week emilymae decided to give her little belly a rest and crawl on her hands & knees.  then yesterday she pulled up to standing all on her own.  oh man!  she’s not wasting any time at all.

i just got her a walker so she can keep up with her sister or at least be able to watch what’s going on without getting run over.


here you can definitely see the girl’s own looks (ema isn’t usually this squinty, sort of a silly face in this shot)
i have plenty more pictures of them looking mighty similar though.


gosh, so many more posts I want to write.  hopefully i’ll get to it this weekend.

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ok, felt like ema needed a little re-do on her picture so here you go!
can you see her first little tooth peeking out?


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